Course Care

Posted on: 10 September

Dear Members,

Earlier this year, we introduced a course marshal. The role of the course marshal was to assist with pace of play.  

In addition to this I asked the course marshal to keep a watchful eye out for players who were not doing the right thing on course by way of not raking bunkers, not filling in divots or repairing lob marks.  

On any given day that the course marshal is out on course he observes all too often a lack of course care. When he does see a player not doing the right thing he will speak with them.  

Unfortunately of late there seems to be an increase in unraked bunkers, unfilled divots and unrepaired lob marks. The below photos were taken last week. 

There are a lot of members who go out of their way to ensure they leave the golf course in a better condition than when they played it by completing the most basic of course repairs.  

I have now asked the course marshal to report to me any player he observes not doing the right thing by way of course care.  

Any player reported for not observing course etiquette will receive a formal written warning.  

A second warning may result in being called to appear before a disciplinary committee.

Tony Cruise

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