Reminder General Meeting – Monday 31st March
Posted on: 28 March
Dear Members,
This is a reminder that a General Meeting will be held on Monday, 31st March 2025, commencing at 7:00pm in the Clubhouse.
The meeting will address an ordinary resolution regarding the proposed disposal of non-core property of the Club, specifically the whole of Lot 15 Deposited Plan 100327.
A copy of the Notice of General Meeting and General Meeting Explanatory Memorandum was sent to all eligible voting members on Friday, 7th March 2025. These documents can also be downloaded from the Club website.
Only Members who are in eligible categories of membership and who are financial members of the Club as of 4:00pm, Monday, 31st March 2025, will be able to attend and vote at the General Meeting.
Light refreshments will be provided half an hour before and after the meeting.
We encourage your attendance and look forward to your input at the meeting.